Preparing for your Adventurous Journey

Everything you need to be ready to go.

Welcome to Outward Bound Australia and thank-you for choosing us for your upcoming Adventurous Journey. We are excited to be a part of your total Award experience. Before your journey begins, there are a few steps you need to complete to ensure you are safe and ready to go. Please read carefully through each preparation section below and attend to each action as necessary. If you have any questions about getting ready, you can contact us at

For the Award Leader
Insurance and Risk Management

Please contact us if you require a completed Code of Conduct form, Assessor Commencement Guide, or any other signed documentation regarding our delivery of your Adventurous Journey. 

You can click here to see our insurance policies and risk assessment documents. The primary risk assessments relevant to your Adventurous Journey are:

  • Camping
  • Cooking
  • Expedition
Setting up the Online Record Book (General Information)

As you have a cohort of Award Participants, you may find it suitable to create an Adventurous Journey Event in your Award Leader ORB, then assign your relevant students to this. 

In your Award Leader ORB, go to Adventurous Journeys in the side-menu, then click “New Adventurous Journey Event”.

Our suggested set-up for your journey route/s can be found in the various journey set-up tabs below. 

Supervisor & Assessor Details:
  • Name
    • Outward Bound Australia
  • Email
  • Phone
    • +61262355700
ORB Set-up: Heathcote Loop via Waterfall (Bronze)
Journey Details
  • Name
    • Heathcote Loop via Waterfall
  • Journey Type I
    • Practice OR Qualifying
  • Journey Type II
    • Practical
  • Suitable for Level
    • Bronze
  • Mode of Travel
    • Hiking
  • Note
    • Delivered in partnership with Outward Bound Australia
  • Location
    • Heathcote, NSW
  • Other Location Information
    • Heathcote Station, Bullawarring Track, Kingfisher Pool Campsite night 1. Cross Waterfall Station, Uloola Falls Track, return to Heathcote Station. 
ORB Set-up: Hornsby to Ku-ring-gai (Bronze)
Journey Details
  • Name
    • Hornsby to Ku-ring-gai
  • Journey Type I
      • Practice OR Qualifying
  • Journey Type II
    • Practical
  • Suitable for Level
    • Bronze
  • Mode of Travel
    • Hiking
  • Note
    • Delivered in partnership with Outward Bound Australia
  • Location
    • Hornsby, NSW
  • Other Location Information
    • Part of the Great North Walk. Hornsby Station to Crosslands Reserve night 1. Lyrebird Gully Track to Mount Ku-ring-gai Station.
ORB Set up: Roseville to Cowan (Silver)

The Roseville to Cowan Silver AJ is a 4-day combination. Participants need to complete their ORB in both the Practice and Qualifying Journey sections as outlined below. 

Practice Journey
  • Name
    • Roseville to Baden Powell Activity Centre
  • Dates
    • Day 1
  • Location
    • Lane Cove National Park
  • Other Location Information
    • Part of the Great North Walk
Qualifying Journey
  • Name
    • Baden Powell Activity Centre to Cowan
  • Dates
    • Day 2 – Day 4
  • Location
    • Berowra Valley National Park
  • Other Location Information
    • Part of the Great North Walk
For the Participants
1. Understand our expectations of you

Completing the hike is only half of the requirements. At all times we expect you to: 

  • Behave respectfully to your peers and Supervisor in both your actions and language.
  • Participate in decision making within your map group.
  • Give the experience 100% of your commitment and ability.
  • Keep a daily log of your trip to assist you with your Adventurous Journey Report.
  • Be responsible for you own rubbish.
  • Respect the environment.
  • Bring only the medication that has been declared in your medical form.
    • No other drugs will be permitted, including alcohol, tobacco etc.

Outward Bound Supervisors will send you home if you fail to meet these standards. In this instance we will not approve your journey and we will not issue a refund. 

Mobile Phones and Music

There is usually limited mobile phone reception on our walks. You can switch your phone to flight mode if you want to use it to take photos, otherwise turn it off and leave it in your pack. You are not allowed to listen to music, so please don’t expect to walk along with earphones in or play music through speakers at camp.  


Read your specific itinerary to see what toilets, if any, are available on your journey. If you need to go where there are no toilets you will need to bury your waste. Please bring a sturdy hand trowel for this purpose.

Environmental Care

We follow the seven principles of Leave No Trace. Read up about these principles before leaving home. You might even want to print out the summary as a reminder during your journey.

2. Complete the Participant Consent and Medical Information Form

Ensure the digital Participant Consent and Medical Information Form is filled in and submitted. The link to the form has been provided to your Award Leader.

If you are 17 years or younger, you will need to have your parent or legal guardian complete and submit on your behalf.

If you are diagnosed as having anaphylaxis or chronic asthma you may be required to provide your management or action plan. If your plan is older than 12 months, please visit your GP to have your documents updated.

3. Get your clothing and equipment

Getting the right gear for you is crucial for your enjoyment of the journey and ensuring you don’t hurt yourself. Be ruthless in your choices and only pack exactly what you need. All of your items should fit inside your hiking pack to avoid damage to both your gear and the environment, this includes your sleeping mat.

Under 18 years-old? For your safety, your pack should weigh no more than one-quarter (25%) of your body weight.

18 years-old or over? For your safety, your pack should weigh no more than one-third (33%) of your body weight.

Click on the image below for our recommended kit list. To help you source everything, we have teamed up with Camp List, who offer many of the items specified for hire and/or purchase. To see what they have available go to and in the central search bar type “Outward Bound Australia”.

4. Prepare your menu

What meals to pack

For your Adventurous Journey, we expect you to provide the following meals as a minimum:

  • Lunch for every day
  • Dinner for every night
  • Breakfast for every morning
  • High energy snacks for every day

Enjoy your food, enjoy your journey

The key to a great hike is great fuel. Here are some tips to consider and some food suggestions.

  • A balanced hiking diet includes more fat and sugar than a normal diet.
  • Remove as much packaging as you can and re-pack in zip-lock bags.
  • Package your zip-lock bags by meal rather than individual items and label them
    • e.g. Lunch Day 1
  • Canned food is too heavy and glass bottles and jars may break in your pack, so dispense these foods where possible.
  • Pack breakfast and dinner in one big strong stuff-bag, and lunch and snacks in another of a different colour. This makes it easier to find what you want when you need it.
  • Consider if you really need a bowl, or can you eat from your pot? Do you really need a dinner knife, fork and spoon? 
  • There are often no garbage bins at campsites or on trail so you’ll have to carry out all the packaging you carry in.
  • Bring the lightest food that takes the shortest time to cook.

Be aware that everything has to survive without refrigeration (please don’t bring a cooler bag). Check out the Food Safety Information Council for advice on appropriate foods for camping and bushwalking.

Food Suggestions


Cereals, muesli or instant oats with long life or powdered milk.

  • Long life milk can be found as single-serve poppers
  • Powdered milk is much lighter and only needs water added to it.

Hot breakfast such as baked beans or spaghetti provide great protein but are heavy to carry. You may also need to wake up earlier to cook, eat, and clean up in enough time.   

TIP: Measure out the amount of cereal per day and put in a snap lock bag with powdered milk. 


Crackers like Ryvita, Salada, and Vita-weets provide good levels of carbohydrate.

Bread and wraps are ok for Day 1, but can quickly go stale.

Cheese such as Laughing Cow, Dutch Edam or Babybells keep well.

Dried meats including salami and jerky etc. are great forms of protein and salt. It will keep fresher if whole, so remember a knife. Fresh meats are not recommended.

Salad vegetables including carrots, cucumber, capsicum etc. keep well in packs. Also consider deli items like sun-dried tomatoes.

Spreads like Vegemite, hummus, chunky dips and honey make great additions to crackers. 

TIP: It’s better if you don’t have to cook lunch as we may not have time.  


Packaged pasta and rice are good options, although may take longer to cook. Couscous is a good choice if you want a speedy meal.

Add a packet tuna, salmon, or ham to get protein and add freeze dried vegetables for nutrition. These are cheap and easy meals. Just remember to look after the rubbish.

Freeze dried/dehydrated meals from brands like Back Country, Campers Pantry and The Outdoor Gourmet Company are a great balance between weight and nutrition but are more expensive to buy.


Hard fruits like apples are great. Soft fruits if not protected can go soggy. Dried fruits are your best option.

Make your own trail mix with a selection of sultanas, seeds, dried fruit and chocolate! However, please do not add nuts to your mix. We are a nut-aware organisation.

Packaged bars and snacks like muesli bars, LeSnacks and grain biscuits are good snacks and are generally light. Strip off the bulk packaging at home and keep these foods together in zip-lock bags. 

Packaged soups, particularly if your journey dates will be cold, can be a great treat. 2-minute noodles and all other similar foods are okay for a hot snack, but are not satisfactory for an evening meal due to their limited nutrition.

TIP: Think of your snacks as supplementary to your main meals. Sugary things are okay for a special treat, but not as a source of long-term energy. 


When you are walking, water should be your only drink. If the weather is hot, you may consider bringing Hydralyte to help restore electrolytes. Please don’t bring drinks such as Gatorade etc. as they are not designed for the endurance exercise of hiking.

Hot drinks like Cup-a-Soups, hot chocolate, milo, tea or coffee are a lovely treat at camp. Just remember to measure out the quantities needed rather than carry the container. 

5. Start training
Physical Training

We advise you do several training walks in the footwear you will be wearing and carrying your loaded backpack. Walk around the block to start with and build up to hour-long walks over uneven ground. Gradually increase the weight of your pack each time. This will greatly increase your ability to walk and carry the heavy pack, thereby enhancing your enjoyment of the journey. Training in the bush is ideal. 


Your Supervisor will coach you how to use topographic maps with an expedition compass. However, why not start learning now? If you are at school, ask a Geography teacher for a tutorial. There are loads of great videos available online as well.


Make sure you know how to use all your gear before you head out. You want to feel confident that you know what you are doing. Find a suitable patch of grass and practice setting up and packing down your tent, until you can do it by yourself easily. Cook up your intended meal/s in the stove you will be bringing so you know how much you can fit in both the pot and your stomach. You don’t want to get to camp and cook up a feast, only to find out you have too much or too little of both quantity and flavour.

6. Prepare for your Adventurous Journey Report

If you are undertaking your Qualifying Adventurous Journey, you will be required to submit an Adventurous Journey Report before you can be signed off.

Bring a small notebook and write the key headings of your report on the first few pages to jog your memory on what to look out for along your journey.

Your AJ Report always looks better when you add pictures, so remember to bring a camera to document your experience.

Download the suggested template according to your Award Level:

Bronze Qualifying AJ Report Template.

Silver Qualifying AJ Report Template.

Journey Information - Bronze
Bronze: Engadine to Waterfall, Royal National Park
Start and End times:

Please meet at Engadine Station at 9:00am on Day 1. 

We anticipate you will arrive at Waterfall Station by 3pm on Day 2. 


Engadine to Waterfall Itinerary

Route Plan

RNP-B Engadine to Waterfall Route Plan

This document must be printed and brought to your journey. You should ensure this is protected from damage. You will also require a pen to write down your observations and experiences as part of your Qualifying AJ Report.


RNP-B Engadine to Waterfall Map

We have provided a cut-out that shows only your relevant map section.

Remember you must bring a hard copy of your map on your journey. You will also require a very fine tipped permanent marker pen to plot your route.

Please print this map in the following manner:

  • On A3 paper
  • In colour
  • At automatic/default scale
    • Each square should measure 4cm x 4cm
Bronze: Heathcote Loop via Waterfall, Heathcote & Royal National Parks NSW
Start and End times:

Please meet at Heathcote Station at 9:30am on Day 1. 

We anticipate you will return to Heathcote Station by 3pm on Day 2. 

Route Plan

This document must be printed and brought to your journey. You should ensure this is protected from damage. You will also require a pen to write down your observations and experiences as part of your Qualifying AJ Report. 

GNW-B Heathcote Loop via Waterfall Route Plan


Remember you must bring a hard copy of your map on your journey. You will also require a very fine tipped permanent marker pen to plot your route.

We have provided a cut-out that shows only your relevant map section. 

There is one page to the map section document. This topographic map must be printed in the following way:

  • On A3 paper
  • In colour
  • At automatic/default scale
    • Each square should measure 4cm x 4cm

Heathcote Waterfall Loop Map

Bronze: Hornsby to Ku-ring-gai, Great North Walk NSW

GNW-B Hornsby to Mt Ku-ring-gai Itinerary

Route Plan

Remember you must bring a hard copy of this document on your journey. You will also require a pen to fill in your observations.

GNW-B Hornsby to Mt Ku-ring-gai Route Plan


Remember you must bring a hard copy of your map on your journey. You will also require a very fine tipped permanent marker pen to plot your route.

We have provided a cut-out that shows only your relevant map section. You may want to consider purchasing the whole map. The map used is: Hornsby 9130-4S (1:25,000).

There are two pages to the map section document. The first page is the topographic map. The second page is the map information. You must print both pages. It is okay to print on both sides of the one sheet of paper; i.e. one side is the topographic map, and the second side is the map information. The topographic map must be printed in the following way:

  • On A3 paper
  • In colour
  • At automatic/default scale
    • Each square should measure 4cm x 4cm

GNW-B Hornsby to Mt Ku-ring-gai Map

Silver: Roseville to Cowan, Great North Walk NSW
Meeting Points

Start: Roseville Train Station 9:00am 
8:30AM FOR 1-4 JULY 2024

End: Cowan Train Station approx. 12:00pm

Route Plan

GNW-S4 Roseville to Cowan Route Plan

You are expected to bring the Route Plan document with you. This document should be protected from damage.

You may also wish to refer to the more information below. This is the original source material, taken from Wild Walks, which provides detailed information for many hiking routes across Australia. You can either download and print the PDF version available on the Wild Walks site or cut out the relevant sections and create your own through-journey track notes.

  1. Roseville to Chatswood Station via Lane Cove River walking track (
    1. Roseville Station is your start point, and is also the start of the journey shown in the link.
    2. Meeting time is 9am.
    3. You are following this journey from Roseville Station until you reach Riverside Café (refer to the green box that starts with the heading 2.52km Int. Lady Game Dr and Delhi Rd Riverside Café)
  2. Sydney to Thornleigh via Lane Cove Tourist Park walking track (
    1. Start your notes from 18.78km Riverside Café Koonjeree Middle Trk. (About half-way down the webpage). Also use the next notes of 19.01km Koonjeree Middle Trk Lane Cove Weir South
    2. Skip past the next route notes UNTIL 23.58km Lane Cove Weir South Lane Cove Weir North as this is where you will continue from.
    3. Follow the rest of this journey as per the route notes to Thornleigh Station (end of webpage).
  3. Thornleigh to Cowan walking track (
    1. Use all the notes as written. Your Day 2 campsite is Crosslands Campsite (referenced in a blue box).


GNW-S4 Roseville to Cowan Topo Map

Remember you must bring a hard copy of your map on your journey. You will also require a very fine tipped permanent marker pen to plot your route.

This map needs to be printed in colour, A3 size and with no (default) scaling. 
There are 4 pages in total. We recommend printing single-sided for easiest use. If you do wish to reduce the number of individual pages used, then ensure to print:

  • Page 1 with Page 3
  • Page 2 with Page 4
Journey Information - Silver
Silver: Roseville to Cowan, Great North Walk NSW
Meeting Points

Start: Roseville Train Station 9:00am 

End: Cowan Train Station approx. 12:00pm

Route Plan

GNW-S4 Roseville to Cowan Route Plan

You are expected to bring the Route Plan document with you. This document should be protected from damage.

You may also wish to refer to the more information below. This is the original source material, taken from Wild Walks, which provides detailed information for many hiking routes across Australia. You can either download and print the PDF version available on the Wild Walks site or cut out the relevant sections and create your own through-journey track notes.

  1. Roseville to Chatswood Station via Lane Cove River walking track (
    1. Roseville Station is your start point, and is also the start of the journey shown in the link.
    2. Meeting time is 9am.
    3. You are following this journey from Roseville Station until you reach Riverside Café (refer to the green box that starts with the heading 2.52km Int. Lady Game Dr and Delhi Rd Riverside Café)
  2. Sydney to Thornleigh via Lane Cove Tourist Park walking track (
    1. Start your notes from 18.78km Riverside Café Koonjeree Middle Trk. (About half-way down the webpage). Also use the next notes of 19.01km Koonjeree Middle Trk Lane Cove Weir South
    2. Skip past the next route notes UNTIL 23.58km Lane Cove Weir South Lane Cove Weir North as this is where you will continue from.
    3. Follow the rest of this journey as per the route notes to Thornleigh Station (end of webpage).
  3. Thornleigh to Cowan walking track (
    1. Use all the notes as written. Your Day 2 campsite is Crosslands Campsite (referenced in a blue box).


GNW-S4 Roseville to Cowan Topo Map

Remember you must bring a hard copy of your map on your journey. You will also require a very fine tipped permanent marker pen to plot your route.

This map needs to be printed in colour, A3 size and with no (default) scaling. 
There are 4 pages in total. We recommend printing single-sided for easiest use. If you do wish to reduce the number of individual pages used, then ensure to print:

  • Page 1 with Page 3
  • Page 2 with Page 4
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